Idea of the Month: contact before content

Contact before content is a theme of asset based community development and one I think should be remembered and reflected on when starting out on any project.
Idea of the Month: “You can’t be what you can’t see”

This quote from a famous children’s activist reminds us that we all need real-life inspiration to get the best out of co-production
Idea of the Month: “Work hard at listening with intent to understand, not reply”

We think it’s time to really listen without interrupting to let the community tell us the story they want to share with us.
Idea of the Month: You today, me tomorrow

November’s Idea of the Month is a reminder that any of us can be the listeners as well as be the ones who need to be listened to.
Idea of the Month: “If it’s not messy, it’s not co-production”

Margaret-Ann Brünjes, the Director of Glasgow Homelessness Network reminded us in a recent meeting that if it’s not messy, it’s not co-production!
Idea of the Month: Patients as partners, not just storytellers

Patient Director David Gilbert reminds us that though storytelling can be very important, patient involvement and collaboration can and must go further.
Idea of the Month: Who wants to change?

A powerful cartoon about change.
Idea of the Month: With a new conversation, we may change the outcomes

With a new conversation, we may change the relationship; if we change the relationship, we may change the behaviours; if we change the behaviours, we may change the outcomes.
Idea of the Month: “Get out of the way and trust people”

June’s Idea of the Month is a quote from Sian Lockwood of Community Catalysts at the recent The Future of People Powered Health event.