What we do

We’re experts in co-production and collaboration. We help public and voluntary sector organisations partner with people and communities to design and deliver better public services.

Connecting practice with community power

We help unlock communities’ ideas, skills and assets, enabling grassroots insights to shape commissioners’ thinking, strategies and service design. Our work helps groups forge stronger connections, foster collaboration and improve people’s quality of life.

Supporting movements that change systems

We want to move co-production from being a buzzword to becoming common practice among organisations and groups across the UK. We bring trailblazers in community engagement together to share learning and energise networks to make change happen.

Helping organisations move to co-production

Co-production puts people at the heart of policy, research and decision-making. We help organisations shift their culture and ways of working to embed this approach, through communities of practice, strategy development, training and evaluations.

Developing approaches to collaborative commissioning

Collaborative commissioning and alliance contracting builds relationships and trust, leading to outcomes no partner could achieve alone. We offer end-to-end support to help commissioners build alternative commissioning models that drive innovation and outstanding collaboration, and embed co-production.

What people say

"I really felt empowered working with the Ideas Alliance team. They echoed children and young people's voices and experiences in an innovative way."

Nazmin Mansuria, Senior Commissioning Manager, NHS Bromley CCG

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