Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care: An Opportunity to Participate

A great deal of what we do at the Ideas Alliance is to promote and practice co-production, to build community capacity, and to spread the word about other organisations who are likewise committed to these valuable ways of thinking and working. 

We were recently told about  a new opportunity to participate in a programme dedicated to radical change and reform in the health and care system. This opportunity marks the growth from the 2012 Leadership for Empowered and Healthy Communities (LEHC) programme, which Ideas Alliance’s own Helen Sharp is both an alumni of as well as facilitates their sessions on co-production. 

The Story Then

Since 2012, seven groups of people have participated in LEHC programmes, moving on to champion community wellbeing, co-production, and transforming the services and organisations they work with. 

My integrity, values and behaviours have never been stronger, I have made a stand and rocked the boat in my organisation.


Like all good programmes, useful resources, and great ideas, growth in scope and scale inspires change. 

The Story Now

So what’s next for the LEHC programmes? Well, in a word: evolution!

Now re-named under the banner Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care (LECPC), the 8th group of participants will be taken through a new programme which has been extended to help leaders meet the new challenge of making personalised care a reality in the NHS; this will help to ensure that people get choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered, based on ‘what matters’ to them. Participants on this unique, co-produced programme will be given the tools and knowledge to meet that challenge, building on best practice from across the country.

Why ‘personalised care’ ?

Personalised care is set out in the NHS Long Term Plan and means a major shift in power and decision-making at a local level. The organisers at LECPC recognised that, whilst there is a growing effort to achieve this large scale change across the health and social care system, this kind of change calls for a new type of leadership which can work across boundaries, make connections and facilitate the emergence of local, co-produced plans and solutions. 

How can you get involved?

The new programme will run between October 2019 and April 2020 and will be co-facilitated by a team of national expects in the field of co-production, community development and personalised care. The list of speakers looks fantastic and includes:

  • Lucie Stevens – New Economics Foundation
  • Cormac Russell – The Asset-Based Community Development Institute & Nurture Development.
  • Professor Jane South – Professor of Healthy Communities at the Institute for Health & Wellbeing at Leeds Beckett University.
  • James Sanderson – Director of Personalised Care, NHS England/Improvement.
  • Dame Philippa Russell – Former chair of the Standing Commission on Carers and and writer in the field of learning disability.
  • Dr Brian Fisher – London GP and Socialist Health Association honorary vice president.
  • Dr Miro Griffiths – Activist, teacher, and researcher on disabled people’s oppression within society.

If you’d like to apply to the programme you can find out more information here.

Photo by Element5 Digital

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