Not Another Co-Production Festival Manchester: Coming Soon

It’s almost one year since we began our Not Another Co-Production Project and it’s time to celebrate all the amazing work that’s been happening with our partner organisations in Greater Manchester. And to help us celebrate, we’d like to invite you to join us at our Not Another Co-Production Festival! The first of its kind anywhere. 

We are working with the Science and Industry Museum; one of the project partners in Greater Manchester and the other partners to co-create an all day festival event on Tuesday 5 July 2022

The festival will be a lot of fun, with lots of space to explore the good, bad and ugly of coproduction, have conversations, think, dream, ask questions and share our experiences together. It will bring grassroots changemakers together with local, regional and national organisations and movements to forge new partnerships, share practice and learn from social change activities. 

There will be, theatre, music, arts, craftivism, pirates, camerados, contemplation, reflection, fun, bunting, fairy lights, deep debate, challenge, laughter, conversation and more. There won’t be banners, leaflets or lanyards! It will be accessible and inclusive. And best of all, it is free to attend including refreshments! 

Whether you are someone who draws on care or support, a service provider, community partner or local citizen, please register your interest to reserve your spot to be part of this evolving and exciting event. 

More about Not Another Co-Production Project

Not Another Co-Production Project is a three-year project with Ideas Alliance and People’s Voice Media to explore how we can develop co-production in ways that benefit local people, professionals, and organisations across England. We are doing this together by engaging in co-production workshops, Community Reporting, a peer support network and this community learning festival. 

The project is shaped by what Ideas Alliance has been hearing from the people we have worked with over the last few years – including residents, local organisations, local authorities and community professionals. People have told us that they want support and time to hear about co-production and to learn how to make it real on the ground. They want to do more to listen to people’s stories and to celebrate what they do locally. 

One of our aims is to move co-production from a buzz word into an embedded practice within grassroots organisations across England to ensure that people have a better life. 

We want a future where policy, research and service design are informed by the views of local people (lived experience) and where collaboration is the heart of what we do, not the exception. 

We want to start the conversation from a ‘blank sheet’ and facilitate a knowledge exchange which ensures local people: 

● become active in their community, 

● are involved in decision making, 

● can shift power in their community, creating equitable partnerships between residents, services and local authorities.

Not Another Coproduction Project Partners – Year One

Science and Industry Museum

Parkinsons UK

Salford Loaves and Fishes

GM Jokers – Legislative Theatre

Elephants Trail

Tameside and Glossop Foundation Trust

Wigan Council

Talk First

Idaraya life CIC

Greater Manchester Combined Authorities

Unlimited Potential

Festival Partners to date (in addition to the project partners):

Made By Mortals

Be More Pirate

The Shoopery

Social Work England


Friendly Fridays

GM Moving/Greater Sport

Winning Hearts and Minds

Art in the park (Heaton Park)

Coproduction Collective

Stockport and Manchester Methodist Circuit

To find out more about the project, please email:

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