Interview: Heathar Barrett, Poet & Blogger

At the start of the year we discovered a wonderful blog by Heathar Barrett called Framed with Words. Heathar lives in Lowton in Greater Manchester and she is passionate about poerty, art, history, food, inclusion and alternative forms of communication or ACC.

Heathar uses her blog to document her activities and the places she visits, including trips to galleries, beaches, museums and local attractions. She also writes inspiring and beautiful poerty which you can find on her Twitter feed. We love that her blog celebrates the joy of art, culture and the outdoors.

We got in touch with Heathar as we wanted to learn more about her, her blog and what inspired her to start it. Heathar gave us her thoughts on creativity, writing and finding a way to channel your voice.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am begrudgingly a creative person without a voice. However I do have a lot to say. I enjoy art, nature, history and all kinds of food.

Tell us a bit about where you live

I live independently in a lovely bungalow. I love spending summer evenings in the garden relaxing on my swing.

When did you start your blog Framed with Words? And what made you start?

My blog is an opportunity to reflect on my experiences of places. I have Autism and sometimes my sensory system becomes overloaded with crowds, noise, smells etc, so I tend to enjoy visiting places when they’re not so busy, so I can appreciate the art or nature around me.

We have enjoyed reading your poetry, what do you like about writing poetry?

The freedom of language is magical, being engaged in creative writing is soothing for my soul.

On your blog you write about places that you have visited. What’s your favourite place you have visited so far this year?

My favourite place I visited last year is Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It’s always a pleasure seeing nature and art combined in such a perfect way.

Who or what has been your greatest inspiration or influence?

Everyone who uses Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) has my full admiration. Also a special mention for my incredible mother. I wouldn’t be who I am, or where I am today without her.

Tell us the best thing about what we’ve done so far…

I like the idea of sharing stories and knowledge, as people usually respond more emotionally to stories from real people with real life experience.

Check out Heathar’s blog Framed with Words 

Follow Heathar on Twitter

Photos by Heather and by rawpixel 

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