I’m always interested in hearing about creative and innovative ways to tackle problems, especially when they involve the use of technology. Two such stories in the news about people with dementia and their carers caught my eye recently.
The first of these was an article published by the Stornoway Gazette which neatly illustrates the positive benefits of a community-based approach to health and care services.
As the conditions of people with dementia in Stornoway progressed, many began to revert back to the Gaelic language they spoke in their youth, leaving their English-speaking carers unable to communicate with them.
A news series of podcasts has been created to provide Gaelic lessons to carers and programmes in Gaelic to bring comfort and entertainment to older listeners.
Click here to read the story in full.
team at the Stornoway centre recorded a series of Gaelic Culture
podcasts, relating to island life and culture… They offer Gaelic
language and cultural celebration, which has been highlighted as being
particularly important and meaningful to people living with dementia.”
The Stornoway Gazette’s story also reminded me of Nesta’s Dementia Citizens project, which uses apps and digital technology to support people with dementia and their carers.
Watch this short video to learn more about how the project is harnessing technology to help people with dementia: