Report review: Community in the making

We go back to the Bromley by Bow Centre to learn more about how they made sure local people were at the heart of their evaluation
Report review: Better services, stronger economy

This latest guidance from Locality shakes up procurement and gives you ideas for keeping services local and increasing social value
Report review: Good Help and Bad Help

We pick out our highlights from Nesta and OSCA’s brave new report about the different approaches to support and services.
Report review: People Powered Health in Greater Manchester

We pick out the best parts of this report which showcases some of the inspiring and courageous initiatives across Greater Manchester
Report summary: The Place of Kindness

Zoe Ferguson looks at how we can encourage kindness in our communities and calls on government, organisations and people to all take action.
Report review: Asset based places, a model for development

SCIE’s recent publication sets out a useful framework for local areas considering a shift towards asset based working.
Report review: Rebooting Health and Social Care Integration

Localis’ latest report on the integration of health and social advocates a new focus and a move away from structures and finance.
Report review: System Behaviours

We look at Lankelly Chase’s list of system behaviours. A great resource.
Report review: The Art of the Possible in Public Procurement

This publication will give commissioners the confidence to challenge resistant procurement practice and support innovation. A must-read…