Report review: System Behaviours

Although not strictly a report, this System Behaviours list is so helpful we wanted to write about it. Created by Lankelly Chase,  the behaviours represent those present in a system working well. Lankelly Chase tapped into the experiences and learning of their funded partners, local authorities, people with lived experience and other interested individuals. Alice Evans, Lankelly Chase’s Director of Systems Change, and her colleagues put together the final list of nine behaviours.

Title: System Behaviours

Author: Alice Evans, Director of System Change

Published by: Lankelly Chase

Date: 2017

Something for everyone

The result is fantastic. The nine points cover all the key issues. There is something for everyone. I’ve seen people drawn to the word ‘power’ in point 6, to ‘decision making is devolved’ or ‘leadership … at every level’. The words ‘trusting’, ‘dialogue’, ‘resourceful’, ‘collective learning’ resonate with others – it really is a great list.

Every one of these points would make any organisation or system work effectively and beneficially for all. I use the list with groups who are designing whole systems. Asking people how far, on a scale of 0 (low) to 10 (high), we all feel they apply reveals so much and starts a rich conversation.

And even closer to home, the aim of the Ideas Hub is that All people are viewed as resourceful and bringing strengths. It is our raison d’etre. The stories we publish, even if they are not about whole system change, always speak to one or more of these points. In my work on alliances as vehicles for true collaboration, the points about mutual accountability and devolved decision making are especially relevant.

Staying dynamic

Of course, within each statement there are a hundred values, behaviours and practicalities to be addressed. Just saying the statement or even signing up to it at an event won’t make them happen.

But as a guide, a framework or simply as a conversation starter, it is a great resource. The list is written by hand onto Magic Whiteboard™ and is taken to events and workshops in the original form. No typesetting, no printing. Not translated into a printed version or longer report with chapters for each point. And that makes it all the more impactful.

As Alice Evans says “we are really keen to keep them dynamic and test them out”. Let us know about your experience of using them and about developments that really demonstrate these system behaviours in action.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata

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