Alliancing in Health and Social Care Symposium

Key takeaways from the first UK Alliancing in Health and Social Care Symposium we hosted in Birmingham earlier this month where we discussed how have conversations about how far alliancing has come in the past ten years, how to bring others to the table, and what we need to do next.

Not Another Co-Production Project Launched in the West Midlands

sketch of co-production meeting with pirates, bricks, gardening images

Year 2 of Not Another Co-Production Project has begun in the West Midlands. This is a three-year lottery funded project run by the Ideas Alliance in partnership with People’s Voice Media. The 12 organisations we are partnering with to embed collaboration and co-production into their work, had an introductory meeting, where Sophie Ewan-Roberts took visual notes.

Event: Unleashing Healthy Communities

We spent a warm summer’s evening celebrating and learning about Bromley by Bow’s latest report on the centre’s community based approach to health and wellbeing.

The Soul Relics Museum

The Soul Relics Museum bridges the museum and mental health sectors, using object-based story-telling to bring us closer to the struggle of mental ill-health.

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