Grenfell Memorial Community Mosaic: Collective Power Awards

Celebrating and learning more about CHWA Awards joint winner, The Grenfell Memorial Community Mosaic, which has brought almost 1,000 local people from North Kensington together to make large scale public artworks. Co-created with individuals and local community, resident, faith and school groups under the guidance of mosaic artists Emily Fuller and Tomomi Yoshida.

Alliancing in Health and Social Care Symposium

Key takeaways from the first UK Alliancing in Health and Social Care Symposium we hosted in Birmingham earlier this month where we discussed how have conversations about how far alliancing has come in the past ten years, how to bring others to the table, and what we need to do next.

Yemeni Elders’ Heritage: Collective Power Award

Yemeni people looking at a digital tablet

This blog features National Museums Liverpool’s Connecting with Yemeni Elders’ Heritage project, which was inspired by a young man Abdul, from Liverpool’s Yemeni community, who wanted to support elders living with dementia through the House of Memories programme. Abdul connected and encouraged more than 40 Yemeni young people to support the development of a dual language (Arabic and English) heritage package within the My House of Memories app, to assist elders to capture and digitize their heritage stories and traditions to share with younger people.

Measuring Impact: the Winning Hearts and Minds Way

Winning Hearts and Minds is a joined-up approach in north Manchester to improve people’s long-term heart and mental health by stepping outside the traditional approaches to health improvement. They share their ethos on measuring impact.

Spread the Word – West Midlands next for Not Another Co-Production Project!

Following a brilliant first year full of ups, downs and lots of learning together in Manchester, we are ready to begin year two of our lottery funded three-year Not Another Co-Production project in partnership with People’s Voice Media. We are on the hunt for at least 12 organisations across the West Midlands to partner with from autumn 2022 to summer 2023. 

Courage in Co-Production: A Day Festival

The Not Another Co-Production Festival took place at Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry on Tuesday 5 July. This special event, the first of its kind, a celebration and culmination of a year’s work in Manchester, lived up to its name of co-production as happenings and conversations evolved during the day. 

Trust First: Lessons From Running a Solidarity Fund

sun rising at block of flats in Peckham, London

The SE15 Community Fund was established in May 2020, as a response to the financial difficulties people were experiencing during the pandemic and a requirement to fund the needs of local mutual aid efforts. The administrators share the principles they hold to, the dilemmas along the way and plans for the future. 

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