The Art of Coproduction – A Guerrilla Guide

We Coproduce celebrate National Coproduction Week 2019 by launching The Art of Coproduction – A Guerrilla Guide. It’s a pocket sized fold out guide and a one stop shop for all things coproduction. It’s designed to generate conversation, ideas and debate with people who coproduce regularly as well as providing an easy access starting point for those looking to learn.

The Guerilla Guide was produced in collaboration with NHS England and coproduced with a team of people from across the country, including Coalition for Collaborative Care and –yes you guessed it– us at the Ideas Alliance. 

and coproduced with a team of people from across the country, including Coalition for Collaborative Care and –yes you guessed it– us at the Ideas Alliance. 

On side one, it features an animated visual representation of an artist studio, with motifs and symbols that identify the most common issues the group came across when coproducing.  Exploring the meaning of these is great fun and provokes lively discussion. It also makes a great poster to remind people of how you like to work.

On side two (pictured above), there is a handy revolving ‘work table’ with tips and ideas. This can be used for learning or placed in the centre of the table and rotated for group discussions. There are also plenty of references and further reading for those looking for more.

Up to 100 free copies of the Guerrilla Guide are available to all NHS organisations and voluntary and community sector organisations and an on-line accessible version is being coproduced.

For more information, please contact: Jane McGrath:

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