Dr Jody Aked brings eighteen years of experience melding psychology with complex systems science to design inclusive, accountable and rewarding processes that move people to act and sustain their commitment.
Over the years Jody has worked in Europe, Asia and Latin America with large global corporates, natural resource management networks, supply chain systems, indigenous partnerships, charities, foundations and governments. From the Happy Planet Index to Friday Pulse she has leveraged the best of data, technology, storytelling, participatory approaches, coaching, appreciative inquiry, citizen juries and liberating structures to facilitate psychologically safe spaces for people to transition towards low carbon high wellbeing futures.
Jody has a PhD using participatory action research to explore movement building and collective action on environmental issues with the Power, Participation and Social Change cluster at the Institute of Development Studies. Before this, she worked at the New Economics Foundation, researching co-production in children’s services and designing frameworks like Good Foundations and the Five Ways to Wellbeing, which continues to be a coherent framework for enabling communities to think about the design of their environment, key services and their own pathways through life.