Regional Leadership for Empowered Communities and Personalised Care Programme: another opportunity to participate

Back in July we wrote about Leadership for Empowered Communities (LECPC) and their fantastic work for reform in the health and care system. Due to the success of their national programme they are currently in the process of rolling out regional programmes. Below is some information we received from LECPC about the programmes and how to get in touch to find out more or participate.

What is the programme?

The Personalised Care Group and the NHS Leadership Academy are delighted to announce a series of regional leadership programmes to support the rollout of Personalised Care. The programmes are for those who want to meet the new challenge of making personalised care a reality in the NHS as set out in the Long Term Plan, to ensure that services are planned and delivered based on ‘what matters’ to people, to develop expertise in partnership working across boundaries and co-production with people and communities and do more to build community capacity.

It will suit you if you are wanting to build better relationships with the communities you serve and to work together with others to ensure that personalised care becomes part of the DNA of the NHS.

Who is this programme for?

This is a team offer, so you need 3-6 people from your ‘place’ who can commit to all three days. A place can be a Primary Care Network (PCN) or neighbourhood, a CCG or town/city, or some other geographical place that makes sense for you and your local community.

Who should make up my team?

Teams must be diverse and not just drawn from the NHS – ideally including someone with lived experience, someone from the voluntary sector and someone from social care/the local authority in addition to NHS staff. The programme would suit senior voluntary leaders, Directors and Heads of Transformation, Integration, Personalised Care, Finance or Medical Directors in CCGs, hospital trusts, PCNs or senior council leaders, including councillors.

Regional programme dates:

London 26th February, 4th March, 8th April

Midlands 18th February, 24th March, 21st April

South East 20th February, 11th March, 23rd April

North West 10th March, 31st March, 22nd April

South West 3rd March, 26th March, 28th April

To find out which region you’re in and to participate email Rosie Redstone ( by the 17th January 2020.

Photo by Daniil Kuželev 

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