New relationships with citizens: a critical evaluation of three localities within Greater Manchester

Carrying out a creative evaluation to follow, capture and draw learning from the experiences of people across Bury, Oldham and Stockport.

What were we asked to do

The Person Centred and Community Approaches team (PCCA) within the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership had been supporting the ten Localities of Greater Manchester to adopt new behaviours and practices. We were asked to deliver a reflective evaluation to follow, capture and draw learning from the experiences of three localities. (Bury, Oldham and Stockport). The three chosen localities were all at different stages of development and maturity.

What we did

Within each locality, we scoped out and built relationships with key staff from community level to system leadership roles, to gather insights into how they were power sharing with the community. We also created a series of online blogs to describe how the work has progressed and we will showcase the key findings in a final e-report.

As well as the e-report, we shared the findings from this critical reflection with key stakeholders through a large community sense-making event. Having one showcase event enabled the localities to share their approaches and experiences with each other and all participants could collaborate to create an action plan which looked to the future and sought to catalyse further change.

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