Another look at influencing

Influencing people is a key part of building the transformational movement; we look at one approach which involves listening first.
Guest Blog: Isn’t this all just a bit “touchy-feely”?

Dr Emma Plunkett explores this question she’s been asked about the Learning from Excellence approach which involves thanking people for good work and care.
Grapevine Walk and Talk

We recently came across Walk and Talk sessions, a wonderfully simple idea where people and staff are invited together on walks around the city to share ideas and connect.
Report review: Realising the Value

We take a look at Realising the Value, a report outlining the evidence of the benefits of people and communities working together in the health system.
The Power of Listening

We think about what it really means to listen to somebody.
Idea of the Month: If you take my problem and solve it for me – that’s theft

March’s Idea of the Month is a strong challenge to those who see service as a paternalistic, self-congratulatory, heroic activity.
Guest blog: Choose life. Choose self-efficacy…

A guest blog from Osca exploring the importance of self-efficacy and how we can turn our public services into engines of self-efficacy.
Interview: Rebecca Trevalyan, Library of Things

We spoke to Rebecca Trevalyan of Library of Things, a community space where local people can borrow, share and learn.
Guest Blog: What I learnt from 7 years working in a think tank

We hear about what think tanks really do, from someone on the inside, Julia Slay.