Last week we attended a meeting organised by Think Local Act Personal for the Building Community Capacity Practioners Network. The focus of the meeting was on evidence and how we use and gather it to bring about change. We will be publishing a full write up and our key reflections in the coming days.
Meantime, one of our highlights of the meeting was learning about Creative Minds, a charity hosted by South West Yorkshire NHS Foundation Trust. Creative Minds are all about the use of creative approaches and activities in healthcare. It runs creative projects in partnership with over 50 community organisations and has benefited thousands of people.
Phil Walters, the Strategic Lead at Creative Minds, talked about the types of projects they run. From sports, hikes and art classes to restoring boats and working with football clubs to help people with dementia. It was exciting to learn about how they are challenging people to do things differently and recognise how non-medical approaches can make all the difference to people.
Debs Taylor who works for the Creative Minds team as a Peer Project Development worker, is the greatest advocate for this. At the meeting she gave a very powerful talk about her own experience and how her life was transformed by art. It’s a story people need to hear. If you do anything today, watch this short video recorded when she spoke at The Kings Fund, about Debs’ journey told in her own words: