Kath Smythe


Kath works in the spaces where people and organisational change come together to affect change that lasts. With more than 25 years of delivering change from a diverse range of professional perspectives and from senior strategic level through to front line, she has an unusual radar enabling her to cover a lot of ground quickly, be pragmatic about what will work and join the dots for you. Kath is all about people and relationships and is a skilled facilitator and coach who is not averse to causing a bit of good trouble if that means asking pertinent questions that get to the heart of what matters, unlocking new insights and bringing people together to try different things.

Since setting up Kath Smythe Collective, a change consultancy, Kath has worked with public sector organisations nationally, regionally, sub-regionally and locally. She is passionate about creating workforces that are engaged, empowered, trusted and equipped to make change happen.  She works extensively within Adults Social Care helping to affect change at a systems level supporting organisations and people working in care to collaborate for change.

Kath is part of the Ideas Alliance team supporting organisations to commission for collaboration and change through alliancing. She sees this as an essential tool that public services can utilise to create the right conditions for commissioned partners to work together as equal partners to codesign and codeliver transformational change.

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