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by Immy Robinson

Understanding the 9 million active neighbours of lockdown

The coronavirus crisis saw a huge movement of community activity and support. Immy Robinson, co-lead of the Relationships Project, shares their research about what made people come together. How we can support the different types of active neighbour with an ecology that enables community activity to thrive?

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by Lauren Wallace-Thompson

Doing digital arts differently: St. Helens Libraries and Ideas Alliance’s action research

Find out more about this "learning by doing" project, where the team worked collaboratively with artists, makers, library staff, residents and more to innovate and test ways to help digital arts thrive in St. Helens.

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by Anna Eaton

Talking about balancing belonging and freedom at work in Research Matters magazine

We answer some questions for the Social Research Association's quarterly Research Matters magazine about our organisational structure as part of their look at business models for social research. Read the reprinted article here.

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“The Hub acts as a glue bringing together people and organisations who are doing so much to positively disrupt their local systems.”

Burcu Borysik, Mayday Trust