Hidden & Hunted

The evocative images on this page were taken by a group of women affected by homelessness. They offer a glimpse into what life is like if you are a woman affected by homelessness in West Sussex, UK.

These photographs are an extension of an exhibition on display during April and May 2021 in the seafront shelter on the promenade opposite West Buildings in Worthing, West Sussex. The photographs were taken by a group of six local women – the ‘Hidden and Hunted’ – who have or are experiencing homelessness. They chose the theme to convey how, as women, their experience differs from men.

All the images were produced on film with single-use cameras.

The quotes come from the frontline workers who are supporting them. They explain the challenges they face working within the system which was not designed to address the complex and often traumatic experiences of women and where gaining understanding is usually a struggle.

These photographs are the result of several months work on a project with partners Turning Tides, Safe in Sussex and the Brighton Women’s Centre. Staff members, Janie Pamment and Samantha Otway were instrumental in supporting the women to work with a local professional photographer, Sam Pharoah. Together, they told their stories using photographs to highlight the complicated struggle that they face compared to men. “It has been quite staggering to hear about the life events that these women have had to bear. I hope that this exhibition will help these real lives to be seen and not ignored”.

The project is part of the national Ending Women’s Homelessness (EWH) campaign that has been running for the past year. According to Helen Sharp from the Ideas Alliance, “They have created a unique, emotional display of work that captures the world from their perspective and which, hopefully, will go a long way towards changing perceptions. Decision makers need to see this”.


This project could not have happened without the ‘Hidden and Hunted’ – the women who contributed their time and energy. They have been open and vulnerable in sharing their experiences, most of which are rooted in personal trauma.

For that we are hugely grateful.

This project was co-ordinated by the Ideas Alliance. It was funded by Homeless Link as part of a wider initiative to raise the profile of the challenges faced by women experiencing homelessness.

A partnership of three local organisations supported the women:


Sam Pharoah is a local photographer and photography educator who helped to facilitate the ‘Hidden and Hunted’ to shape their thoughts and ideas and capture them using photography.

Thanks also go to local organisations who have supported the production of the local exhibition:

Are you in need of support?

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this project and are in need of support, you can always contact for free:

  • The Samaritans by calling 116 123 or clicking here.
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247 (24 hours per day, 7 days a week)

Send us your thoughts and comments

If you would like to get in touch about this exhibition or send us your comments and reaction to it, please get in touch. If you would like us to reply to you, please enter your email address.

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